






1. 如果你/妳是長髮飄逸的俊男美女,記得要把頭髮綁起來,不要用髮夾等硬質的飾品固定,才不會在練習時戳到頭唷!
Tied your hair before training ,cannot have hairpin.
2. 含上護齒,保護你漂亮的牙齒、舌頭。
In order to protect your teeth ,please wear the mouth guard.

3. 穿戴MMA手套,露指的設計讓你能順利抓握,執行更多技巧哦!
MMA gloves are open-fingered, so your fingers can do more grappling movement.

4. 纏綁手綁帶,可以加強保護指節及脘關節,這時候手套記得要選大一號的尺寸。
Hand wraps protect the small bones in the hand from breaking.

5. 著緊身防磨衣,保護你的皮膚,並且,貼身的衣服才不會有鬆洞被勾到。長袖/短袖都可以穿。
Rash guard can help keep you safe from skin injuries.

6. 著緊身束褲或格鬥褲,保護你的皮膚,方便活動。
Wear MMA shorts can increase your flexibility and mobility.

*NOTICE:Wear clothing that do not have zippers, buttons, metal, and pockets.

7. 護襠是肯定要穿的,為了下一代著想,穿上它吧!
Wear a groin cup that it provides more protection.

8. 穿戴護脛,保護你的脛骨,挑選較輕便好活動的款式,才不會影響運動表現,也有專為MMA設計襪套穿脫式的護脛可以穿!
Wear shin guard ,protect your tibia.

9. 其他要注意的就是:不要留指甲,不要有首飾如耳環、項鍊、手錶、戒指等。
Keep your nail clean and short , remove your ring and earring.

10. 最後檢查一次你/妳的裝備,我們上課囉!
Double check your equipment, let’s training!



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