【武甲盃總合武術公開賽】比賽規則 (C級&D級) WUJA F.C. Level C&D competitor rules and regulations
WUJA Fighting Championship Level C competitor rules and regulations
台灣職業格鬥協會的比賽共分4個等級:D, C, B, A
第一條:量級及護具/Article I: Weight Categories and required equipment
Weight Classes are by the increment of 5 kg. Women can drop a weight class,
for example, weight 60 kg, can play 56 kg.
級別 Level |
體重 Weight |
46kg |
46.5公斤以下 Under 46.5Kgs |
51kg |
46.6~51.5Kgs |
56kg |
51.6~56.5Kgs |
61kg |
56.6~61.5Kgs |
66kg |
61.6~66.5Kgs |
71kg |
66.6~71.5Kgs |
76kg |
71.6~76.5Kgs |
81kg |
76.6~81.5Kgs |
86kg |
81.6~86.5Kgs |
91kg |
86.6~91.5Kgs |
91+kg |
91.6以上 Up 91.6Kgs |
2. 護具裝備 Required equipment
a. |
Mouth guard護齒 |
b. |
Groin protector or cup護襠 |
c. |
Fairtex MMA glove type FGV15 露指拳套(指定用Fairtex FGV15款) |
d. |
Fairtex shin guard type SP6 護腳脛(指定用Fairtex SP6款) |
e. |
Fairtex gears will be provided by TMMAA if competitor does not have his/her own 若無拳套及護腳脛者,大會將提供公用護具,建議自行購買。 |
第二條:規則 / Article II: Duration of rounds and ways to win
1. C級比賽時間為4分鐘2回合 Level C matches are held in total of two 4-minute rounds.
2. 獲勝方式:Victor is determined based on following conditions.
a. |
判定勝:分數較高者勝,若同分則由主審裁判判決。Points: Fighter with the most amounts of points at the end of the match wins. |
b. |
KO or TKO: Referee stops the fight due to unintelligent defense. 擊倒或主審終止比賽。 |
c. |
Submission: Fighter taps out or verbally submits. 降伏勝。 |
第三條:得分條件/Article III: Ways to score points
a. |
Strikes must land in legitimate area of the body or head. 打擊技只能攻擊合法部位。 l 1 point will be awarded for body and head strikes. “有效攻擊”身體或頭部得1分。 l 2 points will be awarded for kicks to the head. 以踢技有效攻擊頭部得2分。 |
b. |
Strikes must land with force (Determined by the referee). 唯有有效的打擊才會被列入計分(由主審判定是否為有效打擊)。 |
2. 優勢位置Superior Position
a. |
1 point will be awarded every 10 seconds a fighter holds his opponent in a superior position (mount/side control/back control/knee on belly). 當取得優勢位置時,主審將開始讀秒,每10秒給一分。 優勢位置為:全壓制、側壓制、背後控制,膝蓋壓制。 |
b. |
Maximum of 3 points can be awarded for holding superior positions. 優勢位置的得分最高為3分,主審給完3分後即便繼續壓制則不給分 |
3. 摔技Takedowns or throws
a. |
1 point will be awarded if the opponent is lifted off the ground over the knee (i.e. running the pipe/leg trip). 任何將對手以「不超過自己腰部」的擒抱摔倒技巧皆給1分(如:小內割)。 |
b. |
2 points will be awarded if the opponent is lifted off the ground over the hip (i.e. hip toss/uchi mata). 任何將對手以「超過自己腰部」的擒抱摔倒技巧皆給2分(如:扶腰摔)。 |
c. |
3 points will be awarded if the opponent is lifted off the ground over the shoulder (i.e. slam/ippon seonage) . 任何將對手以「超過自己肩部」的擒抱摔倒技巧皆給3分(如:肩車、過肩摔)。 |
4. 將劣勢翻轉為優勢位置Reversal or Sweeps
a. |
1 point will be awarded when a fighter reverses or sweeps from guard and half guard position. 選手若能從防禦或半防禦位置翻轉成優勢位置,將獲得1分。 |
b. |
No points will be given when a fighter reverses from a disadvantage position (i.e. mount/side control/back control. 選手若單純只從劣勢位置翻轉成優勢位置,則不給分(如:從全壓制、側壓制..等)。 |
5. 消極Negative
第四條:合法的打擊部位/Article IV: Allowed stand-up striking area
- C級比賽允許以拳和踢技攻擊頭部。Strikes to the head by punches and kicks are permitted.
- 允許踢擊大腿但不給分。Leg kicks are allowed but points will not be awarded.
- 使用踢技擊中防禦方,若對手以手部防禦則不給分;但若使對方擊倒或有破壞性(如重心不穩)則給分。
- 允許身體的擊打部位 Allowed body strike areas:
a. |
Body strikes must land on the front side of the torso including chest/solar plexus/tummy/shoulders. 身體攻擊允許部位為前軀幹,包含:胸部、腹部、肩部。 |
b. |
Strikes to the neck is NOT permitted. 禁止擊打頸部及脊椎。 |
5.允許攻擊(踢)頭部的位置Allowed head strike areas
a. |
Head strikes must land in the face area in front of the ear. 禁止攻擊後腦,其餘皆可。 |
b. |
Head strikes by punches are permitted in level C competition. C級比賽允許以拳擊打頭部。 |
6. 非法的打擊部位Illegal Striking areas
a. |
Groin 下襠 |
b. |
Back of the torso 後背(脊椎) |
c. |
Back of the head 後腦 |
d. |
Neck 頸部 |
第五條:允許的站立技巧/Article V: Allowed standing techniques
1.所有的手部打擊須以拳來作為擊打。All hand strikes must be done with closed fist.
a. |
Punches/Hammer fist/Back fist are allowed. 拳擊、鐵鎚拳、背拳皆允許使用。 |
b. |
No palm strikes or knife hands. 禁止手刀及手掌打擊 |
2. 踢技Kick strikes
腳跟、腳掌、腳背、腳脛骨。Kicks using the heel/Palm/Instep/Shin are allowed.
3. 手肘Elbows
C級比賽禁止使用手肘。NO elbows are allowed in level C competition.
4. 膝撞Knee strikes
C級比賽禁止使用膝撞。NO knee strikes are allowed in level C competition.
第六條:允許的地板技巧/Article VI: Allowed ground techniques
1.C級比賽允許使用限制性地板打擊,C級地拳擊法攻擊需有力量,且三拳以上使得分。Limited striking a downed opponent is permitted in Level C competitions.
a. |
NO striking to the head is allowed when 1 of the fighter is on the ground. 任何一方三點著地即禁止做任何頭部攻擊技。 |
b. |
NO up kicks by a downed fighter. 在地面之選手禁止使用上蹬攻擊對手。 |
2. 合法的降伏技Legal chokes and straight arm and shoulder locks。
a. |
Guillotine/Rear naked choke/Wind pipe crusher/Darce/Brabo/Anaconda/Triangle 各式勒對手頸部使對手暈厥之技巧。 |
b. |
Arm bar/Kimura/Americana/Uma plata/Wrist locks 各式扭轉關節使對手疼痛投降或無法繼續比賽之技巧。 |
c. |
Bicep crushers are NOT allowed. 禁用攻擊二頭肌之關節技。 |
3. 只允許使用直線式的足部關節技 ONLY straight foot locks are allowed。
a. |
禁用旋轉腳跟及折腳趾的關節技。NO Heel hooks, Toe holds. |
b. |
可使用膝關節攻擊。Knee bar is allowed. |
4. C級比賽禁止使用扭頸椎的關節技。Neck cranks and can openers are NOT allowed in Level C competition.
WUJA Fighting Championship Level D competitor rules and regulations
台灣職業格鬥協會的比賽共分4個等級:D, C, B, A
第一條:量級及護具/Article I: Weight Categories and required equipment
1. 每五公斤為一個量級級別,每量級不得超過0.5公斤,於比賽時間內複磅未過則取消資格。
Weight Classes are by the increment of 5 kg.
級別 Level |
體重 Weight |
46kg |
46.5公斤以下 Under 46.5Kgs |
51kg |
46.6~51.5Kgs |
56kg |
51.6~56.5Kgs |
61kg |
56.6~61.5Kgs |
66kg |
61.6~66.5Kgs |
71kg |
66.6~71.5Kgs |
76kg |
71.6~76.5Kgs |
81kg |
76.6~81.5Kgs |
86kg |
81.6~86.5Kgs |
91kg |
86.6~91.5Kgs |
91+kg |
91.6以上 Up 91.6Kgs |
2. 護具裝備Required equipment
a. |
Mouth guard護齒 |
b. |
Groin protector or cup護襠 |
c. |
Fairtex MMA glove type FGV15 露指拳套(指定用Fairtex FGV15款) |
d. |
Fairtex shin guard type SP6 護腳脛(指定用Fairtex SP6款) |
e. |
Fairtex gears will be provided by TMMAA if competitor does not have his/her own. (若無拳套及護腳脛者,大會將提供公用護具,建議自行購買) |
第二條:規則/Article II: Duration of rounds and ways to win
1. D級比賽時間為3分鐘2回合。Level D matches are held in total of two 3-minute rounds.
2. 獲勝方式:Victor is determined based on following conditions.
a. |
Points: Fighter with the most amounts of points at the end of the match wins 判定勝:分數較高者勝,若同分則由主審裁判判決 If the score is a tie, the three referees will decide a winner.如2回合打完,同分數的話,3位裁判會討論然後選出一位勝者 |
b. |
KO or TKO: Referee stops the fight due to unintelligent defense 擊倒或主審終止比賽 |
c. |
Submission: Fighter taps out or verbally submits. 降伏勝 |
第三條:得分條件/Article III: Ways to score points
1. 打擊技Strikes
a. |
Strikes must land in legitimate area of the body or head 打擊技只能攻擊合法部位 a)1 point will be awarded for body and head strikes “有效攻擊”身體或頭部得一分 b) 2 points will be awarded for kicks to the head 以踢技有效攻擊頭部得2分 |
b. |
Strikes must land with force (Determined by the referee) 唯有有效的打擊才會被列入計分(由主審判定是否為有效打擊) |
2. 優勢位置Superior Position
a. |
1 point will be awarded every 10 seconds a fighter hold his opponent in a superior position (mount/side control/back control/knee on belly) 當取得優勢位置時,主審將開始讀秒,每10秒給一分 優勢位置為:全壓制,側壓制,背後控制,膝蓋壓制 |
b. |
Maximum of 3 points can be awarded for holding superior positions 優勢位置的得分最高為3分,主審給完3分後即便繼續壓制仍不給分 |
3. 摔技Takedowns or throws
a. |
1 point will be awarded if the opponent is lifted off the ground over the knee (i.e. running the pipe/leg trip) 任何將對手以”不超過自己腰部”的擒抱摔倒的技巧皆給1分(如:內割) 纏抱中落地,在上位者得1分 |
b. |
2 points will be awarded if the opponent is lifted off the ground over the hip (i.e. hip toss/uchi mata) 任何將對手以”超過自己腰部”的擒抱摔倒的技巧皆給2分(如:扶腰摔) 雙腳離地摔,得2分 |
c. |
3 points will be awarded if the opponent is lifted off the ground over the shoulder (i.e. slam/ippon seonage) 任何將對手以”超過自己肩部”的擒抱摔倒的技巧皆給3分(如:肩車,過肩摔) |
4. 將劣勢翻轉為優勢位置Reversal or Sweeps
a. |
1 point will be awarded when a fighter reverses or sweeps from guard and half guard position 選手若能從防禦或半防禦位置翻轉成優勢位置,將獲得1分 |
b. |
No points will be given when a fighter reverses from a disadvantage position (i.e. mount/side control/back control 選手若單純只從劣勢位置翻轉成優勢位置,將不給分(如從全壓制,側壓制..等) |
第四條:合法的打擊部位/Article IV: Allowed stand-up striking area
1. D級比賽禁止以拳頭攻擊頭部 Strikes to the head by punches are NOT allowed in level D
2. D級比賽允許以踢技攻擊頭部 Strikes to the head by kicks are permitted
3. 允許踢擊大腿但不給分 Leg kicks are allowed but points will not be awarded
4. 允許的身體擊打部位如下 Allowed body strike areas:
a. |
Body strikes must land on the front side of the torso including chest/solar plexus/tummy/shoulders. 身體攻擊允許部位為前軀幹,包含:胸部,腹部,肩部 |
b. |
Strikes to the neck is NOT permitted 禁止擊打頸部及脊椎 |
5. 允許攻擊(踢)的頭部位置 Allowed head strike areas
a. |
Head strikes must land in the face area in front of the ear 禁止攻擊後腦,其餘皆可 |
b. |
Head strikes by punches are NOT permitted in level D competition D級比賽禁止以拳擊打頭部 |
6. 非法的打擊部位 Illegal Striking areas
a. |
Groin 下襠 |
b. |
Back of the torso 後背(脊椎) |
c. |
Back of the head 後腦 |
d. |
Neck 頸部 |
第五條:允許的站立技巧 Article V: Allowed standing techniques
1. 所有的手部打擊須以拳作擊打 All hand strikes must be done with closed fist
a. |
拳擊、鐵鎚拳、背拳皆允許使用。Punches/Hammer fist/Back fist are allowed. |
b. |
禁止手刀及手掌打擊 No palm strikes or knife hands |
2. 踢技Kick strikes
腳跟、腳掌、腳背、腳脛骨 Kicks using the heel/Palm/Instep/Shin are allowed
3. 手肘Elbows
NO elbows are allowed in level D competition
4. 膝撞Knee strikes
NO knee strikes are allowed in level D competition
第六條:允許的地板技巧/ Article VI: Allowed ground techniques
1. D級比賽禁止使用地板打擊 Striking a downed opponent is NOT permitted in Level D competitions.
a. |
NO striking is allowed when 1 of the fighter is on the ground 任何一方三點著地即禁制做任何攻擊技 |
b. |
NO up kicks by a downed fighter 在地面之選手禁止使用上蹬攻擊對手 |
c. |
Only grappling techniques are allowed when 1 of the fighter is on the ground D級比賽,任何一方三點著地時,只允許使用地板控制及降伏技 |
2. 合法的降伏技 Legal chokes and straight arm and shoulder locks
a. |
Guillotine/Rear naked choke/Wind pipe crusher/Darce/Brabo/Anaconda/Triangle 各式勒對手頸部使對手暈厥之技巧 |
b. |
Arm bar/Kimura/Americana/Uma plata/Wrist locks 各式扭轉關節使對手疼痛投降或無法繼續比賽之技巧 |
c. |
Bicep crushers are NOT allowed 禁用攻擊二頭肌之關節技 |
3. 只允許使用直線式的足部關節技 ONLY straight foot locks are allowed
a. |
禁用旋轉腳跟及折腳趾的關節技 NO heel hooks, toe holds |
b. |
可使用膝關節攻擊 Knee bar is allowed |
4. D級比賽禁止使用扭頸椎的關節技
Neck cranks and can openers are NOT allowed in Level D competition
5. 其他禁止攻擊動作
a. |
NO slamming opponent when in his guard. 不能在防禦中舉起對手砸摔 |
b. |
NO attacks of any pressure point 不能攻擊穴道 |
#MMA #武甲盃 #比賽消息